Pilates calendar

Scroll down for your free downloadable and clickable calendar and playlist with all the Pilates routines you need for the program.

This Pilates program is for everyone from Pilates newbies to Pilates pros to people wanting to improve their core stability, flexibility, mobility and find a strong mind body connection. It’s a challenge and it takes discipline but all you need to do is take the classes each day and you’ll fall in love with the benefits of a daily Pilates practice.

The routines are free and available on the Lottie Murphy YouTube channel, make sure you are subscribed to the channel here.


Why do Pilates Everyday?

Daily Pilates is a big yes from Lottie, think of a daily Pilates practice like brushing your teeth or drinking your morning cup of coffee, something just doesn’t feel right if you don’t do it. It’s low impact, safe and effective and will not only tone your muscles but will help you maintain healthy joints, improve your posture and gain a body to keep your strong and supple throughout your life.

Beyond the exercise, a regular Pilates practice may help also gain a sense of calm that you can carry into your everyday life, ability to better manage stress, mental clarity and a renewed confidence. Pilates is an act of self care.


How to get the most of the 2 week program

The hard work has been done for you so all you need to do is click the link on the calendar to take you to your daily movement practice.

You’ve committed to this Pilates program so now create space in your day for this commitment you’ve made. Look at your schedule over the next 2 weeks and pop in your diary when in the day you’re are going to take class. Maybe you can stick to the same time every day, first thing is the best time to set you up well for the day but do what fits with your routine.

Invite someone to join you, even with this at home Pilates plan we can still create community and move together. Check in with your Pilates pal or share with Lottie on Instagram how you are getting on and what day you are on!

Connect with Lottie on @lottiemurphy_

Listen to your body, have fun and enjoy it.

Be sure to subscribe to the Lottie Murphy YouTube channel to get your free Pilates routines.

Let’s get started 

Here is your 2 Week Pilates Program Playlist. It’s a playlist full of all the routines in the plan so that you can find them easy. The links on the calendar also lead to the routines for that day.

Download the free, clickable 2 Week Pilates Program Calendar PDF Here.

Everyday is a good day to do Pilates!


Book a Class

Join Lottie for live pilates classes taught live via zoom. Including classical exercises and fun creative sequences, classes for all experience levels. All you need is a zoom account and your mat.